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Sunday, October 24, 2010


Whew!  I'm finally happy with Soca Nights and have published it in Kindle format.  I've put off editing it for two years while I've worked on other stuff, but it was always there in the background eating at my conscience.

Editing my erotica was much easier.  The collections, though longer than Soca Nights (which is just under sixty-five thousand word long), were made up of seven or eight short stories, each containing ten to fifteen thousand words.  So, I was able to edit the stories in single sittings.  With Soca Nights I was constantly starting and abandoning the task, editing about quarter of the manuscript and then taking a break of several days or weeks or even months.  Whenever I got back to it I had to start again at the beginning.

But I'm quite pleased with the end result.  Up until now it had never felt complete to me.  The extra time I've spent on it has made it into a book far superior to the original version which I reluctantly published in 2008 needing to meet a publishing deadline.
24 oct 10 @ 11:35 am 

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