Chocolate Romance
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Friday, March 21, 2008


My boyfriend and I are both triple-dipped in cocoa – dark chocolate with just a hint of milk, made exactly to the same recipe.  I love all shades of black – some of my previous boyfriends have been lighter than me and some darker, but I have never before had a boyfriend with whom I shared an exact shade of skin.  He commented on the similarity of our skin tone the first time he held my hand and, like me, he thinks there is something quite special about it.  I love to watch our entwined bodies in the mirror as we make love; our reflections as we go by a shop front or my hands gliding over his body when I give him a massage.  As India sings in her song ‘Brown Skin’, it is sometimes hard to tell where I begin and he erotic.

More amazing than us sharing the same colour is the fact that we look a lot alike - people have assumed that we were brother and sister on meeting us for the first time.  I am almost afraid to trace our family histories in case we are related, but I know that he is definitely not my brother nor my first cousin as my parents and all their siblings were in Guyana at the time he was born in the UK.  At most, he can be my second cousin, which is still too close for comfort but a comfort never-the-less, because I love his brown skin and I would hate to have to give him up!
21 mar 08 @ 4:29 pm 

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Last night I lay in bed with my boyfriend after making love and thought, ‘it doesn't get better than this!’  Earlier we had stacked his CD player with some Anita, Jaheim, Luther, Teddy and Whitney, programmed the songs we wanted to hear, and chilled out with a bottle of Chardonnay.

We usually hang out with friends on a Friday night – him with his friends and me with mine, but after he had stuffed himself with several pieces of my home-made fried chicken breast, I think he was too full to move.  I am not a great cook, there are only a handful of dishes that I cook well, but he loves my fried chicken.

He does most of the weekday cooking because he gets home first, but on the weekend we prepare meals together, with him directing the show.  I pretend that I know less about cooking than I actually do and he has been patiently teaching me how to cook new dishes.  I am an intentional slow learner.

Fridays are usually take-away nights.  We get home from work euphoric that the weekend has started, order Indian, Thai or West Indian and gorge ourselves silly.  But I had the day off yesterday so I decided to surprise him.  Take-away food somehow seems to rapidly run through our digestive systems, by the time we have eaten and caught up on the day’s events we are almost ready for another meal.  But the fried chicken make us so lethargic neither of us wanted to move afterwards.  Maybe cutting four large chicken breast fillets into halves and frying them all was not such a good move – none was left for today as I had anticipated.

When the food had finally settled we slow-danced, taking the action to the bedroom when things got too heated, leaving the music still playing and various items of clothing scattered on the living room floor.  He is a neat-freak, so he sneaked back to retrieve the discarded clothes and turn off the music later.  I didn’t move a muscle until this morning.

His friends will probably give him grief for cancelling at the last minute, as will my two close girlfriends for blowing them off , but it was such a satisfying night-in I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

I must remember the fried-chicken trick in future, for use on a night when I want him to stay home and he wants to go gallivanting with the boys.

15 mar 08 @ 4:56 am 

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